I love hearing from readers, and am frequently delighted when I receive content I wasn't expecting. It's usually a suggested storyline, but sometimes something a little different. This happened a few months ago when I received the following poem from the talented Eddie Currie. I love it and had to share. Thank you, Eddie.

Tales of wonder (Books)!
They enrich us, humble us,
Educate us, teach us,
Frighten us, enlighten us,
Broaden horizons and settle us
Excite us, confuse us
Entertain us, stretch us
Lift us, take us
Shake us, remake us
Aslan the Lion
The Odyssey of Ulysses
The Count of Monte Cristo
A Tale of Two Cities
Scott of the Antarctic
The Silver Sword
The Call of the Wild
Oh, the power of the word
Dragons and creatures
People of renown
Famous and infamous
Jugglers and clowns
Villains and vagabonds
Murderers and thieves
Nightmares and daydreams
And no inbetweens
A whirl of fantasy
Into a swirl of words
A mixture of everything
It leads us towards
Smiles and frowns
A blend of belief
In the ups and the downs
Enjoyment increased
Warriors and brothers
White knights and lovers
Worlds unnatural
Realms supernatural
The wonderful, the weird
The found and the disappeared
Sublime and absurd
The broken and repaired
They refresh us and send us
To the world of make believe
Who knows where it will take us
What stories they weave
With all that we can denture
Into a world we can’t perceive
Doorways that reveal to us
Things we cannot conceive
Times of enjoyment
Times of release
Times of contentment
Times of, just, peace
Tales of belief
Tales of pretence
Tales of wonder
Tales of suspense
©Eddie Currie